How to Install Google Earth on Ubuntu 22.04

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Before we discuss how to install Google Earth on Ubuntu 22.04, let's first understand-What is Google Earth?

Google Earth is a popular geospatial visualization tool that allows users to explore the Earth, view satellite imagery, and access various geographic data layers.

This tutorial will walk you through the steps to install Google Earth on Ubuntu 22.04. We will also address a few FAQs on how to install Google Earth on Ubuntu 22.04.


  1. Interactive 3D Globe: Google Earth provides an interactive 3D globe where you can navigate, zoom, and tilt to explore different locations on Earth, providing a rich visual experience.
  2. Satellite Imagery and Aerial Photography: With Google Earth, you can access satellite imagery and aerial photography to view landscapes, landmarks, and cityscapes in high resolution.
  3. Geographic Data Layers: Google Earth offers various pre-loaded geographic data layers such as roads, borders, buildings, and points of interest, enabling you to explore detailed information about locations worldwide.
  4. Historical Imagery: Google Earth provides access to historical imagery, allowing you to view satellite images captured in previous years, helping you analyze changes in landscapes over time.
  5. Integration with Other Google Services: Google Earth integrates with other Google services like Street View, allowing you to get ground-level panoramic views of locations, and with Google Maps, providing seamless exploration between the two platforms.

Import Google Earth APT Repository on Ubuntu 22.04

Before we can begin installing Google Earth on your Ubuntu system, ensuring the system packages are up to date and the required dependencies are in place is essential. This preparatory work forms a solid foundation for the subsequent installation of Google Earth. Following these instructions, you will soon have Google Earth, a powerful geographic exploration tool, up and running on your system.

Step 1: Update the Ubuntu System Before the Google Earth Installation

Our first step involves making sure that your Ubuntu system is up-to-date. Keeping your system current mitigates the potential for conflicts during the installation process, as outdated software can occasionally disrupt new installations.

To fetch the latest package information from all configured sources, execute the following command in the terminal:

sudo apt update

Once we have an updated list of packages, we’ll proceed to upgrade any outdated software on your system using the subsequent command:

sudo apt upgrade

This command will install all new versions of the software packages available in the repositories. Your system is now ready for the installation of Google Earth.

Step 2: Installing Initial Packages for Google Earth on Ubuntu

Installing Google Earth is straightforward, but you need specific packages for a smooth process. Most Linux distributions already include these standard packages. However, it would be best if you still verified their presence.

To install the packages, enter the following command:

sudo apt install curl software-properties-common apt-transport-https ca-certificates -y

Installing curl facilitates data transfer with URL syntax, software-properties-common manages software repositories, apt-transport-https ensures secure package downloads, and ca-certificates provide standard SSL/TLS certificates. Running this command has no adverse effects on your system if these packages exist.

Step 3: Add the Google Earth APT Repository on Ubuntu

A vital step in installing Google Earth is importing the GPG key for its digital signature. The GPG key serves as a cryptographic identity that verifies the software you’re about to install is authentic, unaltered, and issued by the rightful owner.

To import the GPG key, use the following command:

curl -fSsL | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/google-earth.gpg > /dev/null

With the GPG key successfully imported, we’re ready to add the Google Earth repository. This repository is the official source from which we’ll download the software. Execute the following command to accomplish this:

echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/google-earth.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-earth.list

Install Google Earth on Ubuntu 22.04

With the repository adequately configured and all prerequisite packages in place, we can advance to the main task: installing Google Earth.

Step 1: Refresh the APT Repository List on Ubuntu for Google Earth

Before installing Google Earth, we must refresh our APT sources lists to include the newly added Google Earth repository. This process ensures the package manager has the most recent metadata related to the packages in the repository.

Invoke the following command to update the APT sources list:

sudo apt update

Step 2: Install Google Earth on Ubuntu 22.04 via APT Command

At this point, we’re ready to install Google Earth. It’s important to note that two versions of Google Earth are available – Google Earth Pro and Google Earth Enterprise (EC). Google Earth Pro is free and perfectly adequate for most users, while Google Earth Enterprise is a paid service that offers additional features and capabilities.

To install Google Earth Pro, execute the following command:

sudo apt install google-earth-pro-stable

If you’ve chosen to install the Enterprise version, you can do so with the following command:

sudo apt install google-earth-ec-stable
NOTE:The Google Earth Enterprise edition commands are just for demonstration purposes. You will run the Google Earth Pro installation command in all circumstances.

These commands will download and install the specified version of Google Earth from the official repository on your Ubuntu system. After completing the installation, you’ll have immediate access to Google Earth, ready for a virtual tour of our planet.

Launching Google Earth on Ubuntu 22.04

After installing Google Earth on your Ubuntu system, embark on a virtual voyage around our planet. Launch Google Earth through the terminal or Ubuntu’s graphical user interface (GUI). This tutorial will clearly explain both methods, accommodating all users and their preferred ways of interacting with the Ubuntu system.

CLI Method to Launch Google Earth on Ubuntu

Invokinggle Earth from the command line can be a rapid and straightforward process. Th for those adept at using the terminal in Ubuntuis method allows for efficient launching and can save a few valuable seconds compared to the GUI approach.

To initiate Google Earth Pro from the terminal, use the following command:


If you have opted for the Enterprise version, the command changes slightly:


It’s essential to note that these commands directly correspond to the version of Google Earth installed on your system. Hence, using the correct command is vital for a successful operation.

GUI Method to Launch Google Earth on Ubuntu

While the terminal is incredibly potent for managing your Ubuntu system, not everyone is at ease with command-line interactions. Recognizing this, Ubuntu provides a user-friendly and intuitive GUI for performing various system tasks, including launching applications like Google Earth.

To launch Google Earth through the GUI, follow the sequence outlined below:

  • Step 1: Click on Activities, located at the top-left corner of your screen.
  • Step 2: Then, click on Show Applications. This option is generally represented by a grid of dots at the screen’s bottom-left corner.
  • Step 3: In the list of applications, locate Google Earth. If you’ve installed multiple versions, they will be listed accordingly. For instance, Google Earth Pro would appear as Google Earth Pro and Google Earth Enterprise as Google Earth EC. Click on the one you wish to launch.

Getting Started with Google Earth on Ubuntu 22.04

Once you’ve installed and launched Google Earth Pro on your Ubuntu system, dive in to maximize this powerful tool’s potential. Explore distant locales or craft compelling visual presentations with the Pro version’s extensive features. The section offers starting tips and tricks for Pro and notes relevant Enterprise user aspects.

General Usage Tips for Google Earth on Ubuntu

To ensure you’re using Google Earth Pro to its fullest potential, here are a few tips that will help enhance your experience:

  • Navigation: Familiarize yourself with the navigational tools in Google Earth Pro. Use your mouse to click and drag the Earth, scroll to zoom in and out, and double-click to zoom into a location quickly. For precise navigation, use the “Look” joystick to change the perspective and the “Move” joystick to traverse the globe.
  • Search Function: The search bar, located at the top left of the interface, is a powerful feature. Type in the name of a location to quickly fly to it. This is not limited to countries or cities; you can even input coordinates or landmarks.
  • Layers: Use the “Layers” panel on the left side of the interface. Here, you can select which details are displayed on the map, such as roads, 3D buildings, and weather patterns.
  • Historical Imagery: This is an excellent feature for seeing how a location has changed. You can access this feature from the toolbar at the top.

Customization Tips for Google Earth on Ubuntu

Google Earth Pro allows for significant customization to enhance your usage. Here are some key pointers:

  • Placemarks: You can use placemarks to mark locations on the Earth. This can be done by clicking the “Placemark” button on the toolbar at the top. Once placed, you can name the placemark, add a description, and even change the icon used to mark the location.
  • Paths and Polygons: Creating paths and polygons is a great way to highlight specific areas or routes. You can find these tools on the toolbar.
  • Image Overlays: If you have images or maps you’d like to superimpose onto the Earth, you can do this with the “Image Overlay” function. Found in the toolbar, this allows you to add an image, resize it, and adjust its transparency to create an overlay.

Additional Tips for Google Earth on Ubuntu

Apart from the general usage and customization pointers, there are additional aspects that could enrich your Google Earth Pro experience:

  • Google Earth Pro Movie Maker: This feature lets you record your flights and tours within Google Earth Pro, enabling you to create visually striking presentations.
  • Measurements: Use the ruler tool to measure distances and areas. You can select between various units of measurement, making this a versatile tool for casual and professional use.
  • For Enterprise Users: Google Earth Enterprise allows the creation of private globes and map layers. This can be particularly useful for large-scale projects that require detailed, personalized geospatial data.

Remember, Google Earth Pro is a robust tool with numerous features. Spend time exploring its capabilities, and you’ll continually find new ways to explore our planet. The world is now at your fingertips, ready for you to discover.

Additional Google Earth Commands for Ubuntu 22.04

As your proficiency grows while using Google Earth Pro on Ubuntu Linux, you may need to engage in more sophisticated operations, such as updating or uninstalling the application. In this section, we’ll provide a detailed walkthrough of these advanced procedures to help you efficiently manage the application on your system.

Update Google Earth on Ubuntu 22.04

Google Earth Pro undergoes frequent updates to introduce improved features, resolve bugs, and implement security patches. Keeping your application up-to-date ensures a seamless and secure user experience.

To manage updates for Google Earth Pro, we’ll employ Ubuntu’s built-in utility, the Advanced Package Tool (APT). The first step is to refresh the package list on your Ubuntu system by running the following command in your terminal:

sudo apt update

This command retrieves the latest package information from all configured sources, including the previously added Google Earth Pro repository.

Next, upgrade your system’s packages by executing the following command:

sudo apt upgrade

This command upgrades all outdated packages on your system. To update Google Earth Pro specifically, use the following command:

sudo apt install --only-upgrade google-earth-pro

This command tells APT to focus only on upgrading Google Earth Pro, leaving the rest of your system’s packages as they were.

Remove Google Earth on Ubuntu 22.04

There could be situations where you might want to uninstall Google Earth Pro from your Ubuntu system. You could troubleshoot a particular issue or consider switching to a different application.

The command to remove Google Earth Pro is as follows:

sudo apt remove google-earth-pro-stable

Enterprise installations would use:

sudo apt remove google-earth-ec-stable

Lastly, remove the Google Earth repository and GPG key with the following command:

sudo rm /usr/share/keyrings/google-earth.gpg
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-earth.list

Troubleshoot Google Earth Multiple Sources.list on Ubuntu

You might occasionally encounter challenges when working with Google Earth Pro on your Ubuntu system. One such issue can arise if multiple versions of Google Earth are installed on your system. This situation can lead to a conflict due to the existence of multiple sources.list files. This section provides an in-depth tutorial on how to resolve these conflicts, ensuring your system runs smoothly.

Understanding the Conflict

Each installation creates unique sources if you’ve installed multiple versions of Google Earth Pro.list file within the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory. This situation might lead to a conflict when executing the apt update command, as the system identifies several sources.list files for Google Earth and may choose to ignore some of them. It’s a case of having too many chefs in the kitchen, which complicates your system’s operations.

Identifying the Issue

For instance, if you’ve followed this tutorial to install Google Earth Pro and then installed other software versions, you may experience issues. These additional installations introduce extra sources into your system, resulting in potential conflicts.

Resolving the Conflict

The first action towards conflict resolution involves removing these clashing sources from your system. Use the following terminal commands to achieve this for Google Earth Pro and Google Earth EC installations, respectively, while keeping the original list "google-earth.list" you imported:

sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-earth-pro.list
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-earth-ec.list

After reintroducing the repository, updating the package list to reflect this change is crucial. Run an apt update after re-adding the repository:

sudo apt update

Following these steps, you can efficiently resolve the conflict resulting from multiple duplicate Google Earth repositories, ensuring you continue receiving updates for Google Earth Pro or EC without a hitch.

FAQs to Install Google Earth on Ubuntu 22.04

Does Google Earth require an internet connection?

While an internet connection is needed for initially downloading data and updates, certain features like exploring the 3D globe and viewing saved locations can be done offline.

Can I view historical imagery on Google Earth? 

Yes, Google Earth provides historical imagery for many locations, allowing you to view the Earth's changes over time.

Are there any mobile apps for Google Earth? 

Yes, Google Earth is available as a mobile app for both iOS and Android platforms, offering similar features to the desktop version.

Is Google Earth a free application? 

Yes, Google Earth is available for free with basic features. However, there is also a paid version, Google Earth Pro, which offers additional functionalities for commercial use.

Can I import or overlay my own data onto Google Earth? 

Yes, Google Earth allows you to import and overlay your own data through KML (Keyhole Markup Language) or KMZ (compressed KML) files.

Can I share locations or save bookmarks in Google Earth? 

Yes, you can save locations as bookmarks in Google Earth and share them with others, making it easy to revisit specific places of interest.

Can I measure distances and areas in Google Earth? 

Yes, Google Earth offers tools for measuring distances, areas, and even heights of geographic features.

Are there any additional layers or add-ons available for Google Earth? 

Yes, Google Earth provides various additional layers such as weather, traffic, and demographic data. Additionally, there are third-party add-ons and extensions available to enhance its capabilities.


In this tutorial, we’ve navigated through the installation and configuration of Google Earth on the Ubuntu Linux distribution.

If you have any queries, feel free to ask them in comments section, and we would be happy to respond to them.........