How to Install Odoo 16 on Ubuntu 24.04

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Before we begin talking about how to install Odoo 16 on Ubuntu 24.04, let's briefly understand – What is Odoo 16?

Odoo 16 is a powerful, all-in-one business management software solution designed to streamline operations for companies of all sizes. This latest version comes packed with upgraded features to enhance user experience and efficiency.

From seamless integration of modules for sales, inventory, accounting, and HR to a user-friendly interface, Odoo 16 offers a comprehensive suite of tools for businesses to thrive. With its customizable nature and scalability, Odoo 16 is a versatile solution that can adapt to the specific needs of various industries.

In this tutorial, you will install Odoo 16 on Ubuntu 24.04. We will also address a few FAQs on how to install Odoo 16 on Ubuntu 24.04.

Advantages of Odoo 16

  1. All-in-One Solution: Odoo offers a comprehensive suite of business applications, including CRM, accounting, inventory, and more.
  2. Customizable: Tailor Odoo to fit your business's unique needs with its flexible and modular design.
  3. User-Friendly: With an intuitive interface, Odoo is easy to navigate and use.
  4. Cost-Effective: Odoo's open-source model allows for affordable implementation and customization.
  5. Scalable: Grow your business with Odoo's ability to scale up to meet increasing demands seamlessly, making it a versatile solution for businesses of all sizes.


  • A VPS running Ubuntu 24.04 with at least 2GB of RAM is needed.
  • SSH root access or a user with sudo privileges is required.

Installation of Odoo 16 on Ubuntu 24.04

After our discussion of the advantages of Odoo 16 and Ubuntu, let's move on to the installation and configuration of Odoo 16 ERP on Ubuntu 24.04.

Step 1: Update Package Manager

Use the instructions listed below to update and install any upgrades on your Ubuntu package management before installing Odoo:

sudo apt-get update  

sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Step 2: Create an Odoo User

Create an administrator-level user for Odoo by creating the following account:

sudo adduser -system -home=/opt/odoo -group odoo

Step 3: Install PostgreSQL and Create an Odoo User for PostgreSQL

We'll be using PostgreSQL as our database server for Odoo. For database access, install and create an Odoo user as follows:

sudo apt install postgresql -y

sudo su – postgres -c "createuser -s odoo" 2> /dev/null || true

sudo chmod 700 -R /var/lib/postgresql/16/main/

sudo systemctl restart postgresql

Step 4: Installation of Python and Python PIP Dependencies

The procedures to install Python and Python PIP dependencies for Odoo are listed below:

sudo apt-get install git python3 python3-pip build-essential wget python3-dev python3-venv python3-wheel libxslt-dev libzip-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev python3-setuptools node-less libjpeg-dev gdebi -y

sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python3-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev libffi-dev python3-psutil python3-polib python3-dateutil python3-decorator python3-lxml python3-reportlab python3-pil python3-passlib python3-werkzeug python3-psycopg2 python3-pypdf2 python3-gevent -y

Step 5: Additional Packages Required

Node.js is required for Odoo 16. Use the following command to install it:

sudo apt-get install nodejs npm -y

There is no right-to-left CSS or language support in Odoo. The following command can be used to add this, but only if RTL is necessary.

sudo npm install -g rtlcss

Step 6: Installation of wkhtmltox

For Odoo 16 to generate PDF reports, wkhtmltopdf is necessary. Installing them enables Odoo to generate reports successfully because PDF reports are a crucial component of any organization.

We must first install the xfonts dependency before installing wkhtmltopdf by using the command:

sudo apt-get install xfonts-75dpi xfonts-base -y

Use the following sequence of commands to install the wkhtmltox after the dependency is installed.


sudo dpkg -i wkhtmltox_0.12.6.1-2.jammy_amd64.deb

Step 7: Create a Log Directory and Provide Permissions

Odoo will continue to audit and record audit trails. Create an Odoo log directory and provide it the required write permissions.

sudo mkdir /var/log/odoo

sudo chown odoo:odoo /var/log/odoo

Step 8: Installation of Odoo 16

After completing the aforementioned requirements, we are now prepared to install Odoo 16. With the following instructions, download the Odoo 16 code from the git repository and install it:

sudo apt-get install git

sudo git clone /opt/odoo/odoo-server -b 16.0 --depth 1

Step 9: Setup Required Permissions

After installing Odoo 16, grant it the required permissions so that it can function properly.

sudo chown -R odoo:odoo /opt/odoo/

Step 10: Creation of a Server Configuration File

We've finished setting up a basic version of Odoo 16 at this time. The correct configurations must now be put up in order to operate the Odoo 16 instance. It is preferable to first establish a configuration file, then add the configurations to it for clarification or adjustment.

sudo touch /etc/odoo-server.conf

sudo su root -c "printf '[options] \n; This is the password that allows database operations:\n' | sudo tee /etc/odoo-server.conf"

sudo su root -c "printf 'admin_passwd = admin\n' | sudo tee /etc/odoo-server.conf"

sudo su root -c "printf 'xmlrpc_port = 9080\n' | sudo tee /etc/odoo-server.conf"

sudo su root -c "printf 'logfile = /var/log/odoo/odoo-server.log\n' | sudo tee /etc/odoo-server.conf"

sudo su root -c "printf 'addons_path=/opt/odoo/odoo-server/addons\n' | sudo tee /etc/odoo-server.conf"
sudo vim /etc/odoo-server.conf

Make changes as given header.

addons_path = /opt/odoo/odoo-server/addons

Give the configuration file the appropriate permissions:

sudo chown odoo:odoo /etc/odoo-server.conf

sudo chmod 640 /etc/odoo-server.conf

The installation and execution of a programme can be separated using a Python virtual environment. Use the following instructions to build a virtual environment:

we must switch to the Odoo user by executing the command below:

sudo su -l odoo -s /bin/bash
cd odoo-server 

python3 -m venv odoo-venv  

source odoo-venv/bin/activate 

We must use the commands listed below to install the Python requirements into this virtual environment, which was made for our Odoo installation:

pip3 install wheel 

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Using the deactivate command allows us to leave the virtual environment after installing Python dependencies:


Step 11: Start the Odoo Instance

Now that everything is set up

Execute the odoo-bin file pointing to the Odoo configuration file to activate the virtual environment before starting the Odoo service.

cd /opt/odoo/odoo-server

source odoo-venv/bin/activate

./odoo-bin -c /etc/odoo-server.conf

Step 12: Login and Access the Odoo Application

We can customize the database after finishing the Odoo installation by going to the administrator page. Open any web browser and type http://localhost:8069 or http://_ip_or_domain:8069 into it to do this. A master password used during installation, a database name, a username, a password of your choice, and some basic information for account creation will then be required.

You will be sent to the Odoo login page at the same address, http://localhost:8069 or http://_ip_or_domain:8069, when the account has been created. Here, you can log in with the username and password you provided in the previous steps. You will then be able to access the home page. The Odoo setup is now finished, and you can add the applications of your choosing to the dashboard.

FAQs to Install Odoo 16 on Ubuntu 24.04

Is Odoo 16 compatible with Ubuntu 24.04?

Yes, Odoo 16 can be installed on Ubuntu 24.04, leveraging its performance and security features.

How do I configure Odoo to connect to PostgreSQL?

Edit the Odoo configuration file located at /etc/odoo.conf to include your database connection details.

How do I access Odoo after installation?

Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8069.

Can I access Odoo remotely?

Yes, you need to configure your firewall and possibly set up a reverse proxy.

What should I do if a user forgets their password?

Use the "Reset Password" feature on the login page to send a reset link to the user.

Can I limit user access to certain modules?

Yes, you can configure access rights for users.


We hope this tutorial helped you understand how to install Odoo 16 on Ubuntu 24.04.

If you have any queries, please leave a comment below, and we’ll be happy to respond to them for sure.