How to Install OpenRGB on Ubuntu 24.04

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Before we begin talking about how to install OpenRGB on Ubuntu 24.04, let's briefly understand – What is OpenRGB?

OpenRGB is a cross-platform open-source software tool that enables users to control and synchronize RGB lighting across various devices. This powerful utility allows customization and management of RGB lighting effects on components like motherboards, RAM modules, and peripherals.

With OpenRGB, users gain flexibility and control over the aesthetics of their hardware setup, enhancing visual appeal and personalization options. OpenRGB's compatibility with a wide range of devices and ease of use make it a popular choice among enthusiasts and gamers looking to elevate their RGB lighting experience.

In this tutorial, you will install OpenRGB on Ubuntu 24.04. We will also address a few FAQs on how to install OpenRGB on Ubuntu 24.04.

Advantages of OpenRGB

  1. Versatile Compatibility: OpenRGB supports a wide range of devices for comprehensive RGB lighting control.
  2. Customization: Users can tailor lighting effects and colors to suit their preferences.
  3. Cross-Platform Support: Works seamlessly on different operating systems for convenience.
  4. Community-Driven Development: Open-source nature facilitates constant improvement based on user feedback.
  5. Enhanced Aesthetics: Elevate hardware aesthetics with synchronized and personalized RGB lighting configurations.

Section 1: Install OpenRGB on Ubuntu Linux

Step 1: Update Ubuntu Linux

It is crucial to make sure your Ubuntu system is up-to-date before beginning the installation process. By keeping your system updated, you can minimize potential conflicts during the OpenRGB installation and make sure you have the most recent software versions and security patches. Open the terminal and type the following command to update your system:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: Download OpenRGB Debian file

Given that OpenRGB has not been officially released for Ubuntu 24.04, it is imperative to acquire the necessary Debian (.deb) package file from the official OpenRGB website in order to facilitate the installation process.

Enter the following command in your terminal to download the file:

cd /tmp

Step 3: Install OpenRGB

Now that the OpenRGB Debian package file has been downloaded, you can proceed with the installation using the following command:

sudo apt --fix-broken install /tmp/openrgb_0.9_amd64_bookworm_b5f46e3.deb

Using the Debian package file you previously downloaded, this command will download and install the OpenRGB package.

Step 4: Verify OpenRGB Installation

Checking that OpenRGB has been installed correctly on your system after the installation is finished is a good idea. Use the --version command to see which version of OpenRGB is installed:

openrgb --version

Section 2: Launch OpenRGB

Step 1: Launch OpenRGB via Terminal

You can open OpenRGB and begin configuring your RGB devices now that it's installed on your computer. Launching OpenRGB via the terminal is one method. Enter the following command to accomplish this:


You can manage and personalize your RGB devices by using the OpenRGB user interface, which will open when you run this command.

Step 2: Launch OpenRGB via Graphical User Interface

Although using the terminal to launch OpenRGB is an option, not all users may find this to be the most convenient. Launching OpenRGB via the graphical user interface (GUI) is an alternative. Here are the steps to do this:

  1. On your desktop, click the Activities button in the top-left corner.
  2. To view the installed applications list, select Show Applications, which is typically depicted by a grid of dots.
  3. Use the search bar to look up OpenRGB, or navigate through the applications to locate it.
  4. To open the application, click the OpenRGB icon.

Section 3: Introduction to OpenRGB for Ubuntu Linux

Step 1: Explore the OpenRGB Interface

After starting OpenRGB, spend some time getting acquainted with the interface. Making the most of the application will require you to be aware of its layout and available options. Important topics to research are as follows:

  • Device List: All identified OpenRGB-compatible devices are shown in this section. To access each device's unique settings and configuration options, click on it.
  • Profile Management: You can make, save, and load custom profiles for your RGB configurations using OpenRGB. You can quickly switch between various lighting configurations based on your preferences thanks to this feature.

Step 2: Customize Device Settings

You can begin personalizing your RGB devices as soon as you become comfortable with the OpenRGB interface. Here are a few methods for customizing the settings on your device:

  • Colors: You can enter specific RGB values or choose from a variety of color options to change the colors of your RGB devices.
  • Effects: To create a dynamic lighting environment, apply different lighting effects to your devices, such as breathing, wave, or rainbow.
  • Speed: Adjust the lighting effects' speed to achieve the desired amount of intensity or activity.

Step 3: Tips for a Better OpenRGB Experience

Take into account the following advice to improve your OpenRGB experience:

  • Keep OpenRGB up-to-date: Make sure you have the newest features, bug fixes, and device support by routinely checking for updates.
  • Seek community support: For troubleshooting, finding new customizations, and keeping up with the latest news, the OpenRGB community is a great resource. The community is available on GitHub, Discord channels, and forums.
  • Contribute to the project: If you are familiar with RGB devices and programming, you might want to contribute to the OpenRGB project. Your input may be used to enhance the program and increase its compatibility with additional hardware.

Step 4: Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you experience problems using OpenRGB, the following troubleshooting advice may be of assistance:

  • Device not detected: Try restarting your computer or restarting OpenRGB if it is unable to detect a compatible device. Furthermore, confirm that your device is officially supported and that you are running the most recent version of OpenRGB.
  • Conflicting software: If you run other RGB control software in addition to OpenRGB, conflicts might occur. It may be advisable to disable or uninstall additional RGB control software to prevent such conflicts.

Section 4: Additional OpenRGB Commands with Ubuntu Linux

Step 1: Update OpenRGB

To make sure you are running the most recent version of OpenRGB with all the features, bug fixes, and device support, you must update the program on a regular basis. The following command can be used in the command line terminal to update OpenRGB:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

This command updates installed packages, including OpenRGB, to the most recent version and checks for updates. As an alternative, you could be able to update OpenRGB via the GUI if your Ubuntu desktop environment notifies you of updates that are available.

Step 2: Remove (Uninstall) OpenRGB

The following command can be used to uninstall OpenRGB from your Ubuntu system if you decide you no longer want to use it:

sudo apt remove openrgb

FAQs to Install OpenRGB on Ubuntu 24.04

Is OpenRGB free to use? 

Yes, OpenRGB is free and open-source software.

What if the PPA installation fails? 

You can try installing the AppImage directly from the OpenRGB website.

What is an AppImage? 

An AppImage is a portable application format that allows you to run software without installation.

Can I install OpenRGB without using the terminal?

Yes, you can use the AppImage, which allows you to run OpenRGB without terminal commands.

Can I use OpenRGB with other RGB software? 

It is recommended to use OpenRGB independently to avoid conflicts with other RGB control software.

Does OpenRGB affect system performance? 

OpenRGB is designed to be lightweight and should not significantly impact system performance.

Can I use OpenRGB with virtual machines? 

OpenRGB can be used in virtual machines, but performance may vary based on hardware configurations.


We hope this tutorial helped you understand how to install OpenRGB on Ubuntu 24.04.

If you have any queries, please leave a comment below, and we’ll be happy to respond to them for sure.