How to Install Package using deb-get Command on Linux


Before we begin talking about how to install a package using deb-get command on Linux, let's briefly understand – What is deb-get command?

For Linux computers, deb-get is a reliable bash command-line tool. Third-party package installation and management are done using it. Compared to the other package managers, deb-get is significantly faster and safer. The.deb files downloaded from the official websites are installed on your system using deb-get. Through straightforward code, you may quickly obtain your own packages in deb-get.

In this tutorial, you will install a package using deb-get command on Linux. We will also address a few FAQs on how to install a package using deb-get command on Linux.

Advantages of deb-get

  1. Simplified Installation: deb-get makes installing .deb packages from official websites easier by providing a streamlined command-line interface.
  2. Quick Access to Latest Versions: By directly fetching packages from official websites, deb-get allows users to obtain the latest versions of software without relying on repository updates.
  3. Flexibility in Package Selection: Users can select specific packages to install using deb-get, offering greater control and customization.
  4. Accessibility to Custom Packages: deb-get's ability to handle custom packages means users can install software that may not be available in standard repositories.
  5. Convenient Automation: deb-get allows for automation by incorporating the installation process into scripts or workflows, making it efficient for system administrators or developers.

Install deb-get on Linux

You must first install the deb-get command line program on your Linux system using the following bash script before proceeding with the package installation using deb-get:

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -s install deb-get

Run the following command to check the installed version of deb-get after the installation is complete. This will verify that the utility was successfully installed.

deb-get version

Install a Package with deb-get Command on Linux

Use the syntax provided below to install a package from the Linux command-line tool using the deb-get command:

deb-get install <package-name>

In my case, I'm installing a package called gh using deb-get, which is a command-line interface (CLI) tool for GitHub, a web-based hosting service for version control and collaboration:

deb-get install gh

Using the following command in the terminal, you can determine whether the package is available by using the deb-get list or the search flag:

deb-get list

Uninstall a Package from deb-get Command

Packages that have been installed can easily be uninstalled using deb-get. To delete a specific package from Linux, in my instance gh, use the command listed below:

deb-get purge gh

FAQs to Install Package using deb-get Command in Linux

What is deb-get?

The deb-get, from Martin Wimpress is “a high-level command line interface for the package management system to easily install and update packages published in 3rd party apt repositories or via direct download.” With deb-get we can download and install third party packages without leaving the terminal.

What applications are available?

Ubuntu 22.04, 21.10 and 20.04 are the only supported releases.

Is RPM better than deb?

RPM uses tools such as yum or zypper, while DEB uses tools such as apt-get or aptitude. These tools provide an easy-to-use interface for managing packages. In the end, both RPM and DEB are great package managers that help users manage their software packages with ease. The choice between them depends on which distribution the user is using.

What are deb files used for?

A file with the DEB file extension is a Debian software package file. They're used mainly in Unix-based operating systems, including Ubuntu and iOS. Every DEB file consists of two TAR archives that make up the executable files, documentation, and libraries.

Is .deb is an archive file?

Yes, a .deb file is an archive file. It contains two tar archives: one for the control information and one for the installable data. The control archive contains information about the package, such as its name, version, dependencies, and maintainer. The data archive contains the files that will be installed on the user's system.

Can I delete deb file after installation?

It's safe to delete the deb files. Just keep in mind that you should not delete them if you plan to re-install the same versions of the packages at a later point in time. 

How do I view files in a deb package?

To view the files in a Debian (.deb) package, use the dpkg -c command followed by the package file's path, like this:dpkg -c package.deb 

Replace package.deb with the actual package filename.


On Linux distributions, deb-get is a helpful command-line tool for installing packages. It provides a quick and easy method for downloading and installing packages from Debian repositories, and it also allows for manual package downloads. Users can manage and install packages with ease using deb-get rather than manually looking for and downloading them from the internet.