How to Install Python 3.12 on AlmaLinux 8

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Before we begin talking about how to install Python 3.12 on AlmaLinux 8, let's briefly understand – What is Python?

Python is a versatile and readable programming language used across various fields like web development, data analysis, and artificial intelligence. Its straightforward syntax makes it ideal for both beginners and experts.

With a rich library of tools, Python is perfect for creating anything from basic scripts to advanced machine learning programs and web applications. Its user-friendly nature and broad applications make Python a top choice in the programming world.

In this tutorial, you will install Python 3.12 on AlmaLinux 8. We will also address a few FAQs on how to install Python 3.12 on AlmaLinux 8.

Advantages of Python 3.12

  • Enhanced f-strings: Python 3.12 offers more flexible f-strings for multi-line expressions and comments, enhancing code readability.
  • Filesystem Improvements: Modules like pathlib and os have been improved for better file handling, enhancing file operations efficiency.
  • Performance Boosts: Significant enhancements in the asyncio module provide better performance for asynchronous programming tasks.
  • Typing Module Enhancements: New syntax for generic types and aliases improves code clarity and aids static type checking.
  • Security Tweaks: Formal verification for built-in hash functions enhances security by ensuring reliable cryptographic operations.

Update Package Index

Initially, make sure your system is updated by executing,

dnf update

Install Dependencies

Install the required packages in order to build Python from scratch.

dnf install gcc openssl-devel bzip2-devel libffi-devel wget tar make

Download Python 3.12 Source Code

To obtain the source code, go to the Python downloads page. Next, download the source using wget.

cd /tmp

Now, Extract the Archive,

tar -xf Python-3.12.0.tgz

Configure and Compile Python

cd Python-3.12.0
./configure --enable-optimizations
make -j $(nproc)
sudo make altinstall

Verify Installation

Verify the successful installation of Python 3.12,

python3.12 --version


And that's it! Python 3.12 can now be used for creating web applications, creating software, setting up workflows, and other things.

FAQs to Install Python 3.12 on AlmaLinux 8

Do I need to uninstall the existing Python version before installing Python 3.12?

No, you do not need to uninstall the existing Python version before installing Python 3.12. The new version will be installed alongside the existing one.

Is Python 3.12 available in the default AlmaLinux 8 repositories?

No, Python 3.12 is not available in the default AlmaLinux 8 repositories. You will need to install it from a third-party repository or build it from source.

How do I update pip for Python 3.12?

To update pip for Python 3.12, run python3.12 -m pip install --upgrade pip

Can I have multiple Python versions installed on AlmaLinux 8?

Yes, you can have multiple Python versions installed on AlmaLinux 8. The default Python version will be used when you run the python command. You can switch between versions using the python3.X command, where X is the version number.

Are there any known issues with Python 3.12 on AlmaLinux 8?

Yes, there are some known issues with Python 3.12 on AlmaLinux 8. For example, some packages may not be compatible with Python 3.12. You should check the compatibility of any packages you plan to use before installing Python 3.12.

Can I use Python 3.12 with other tools and frameworks on AlmaLinux 8?

Yes, Python 3.12 can be used with other tools and frameworks on AlmaLinux 8, such as Flask, Django, and NumPy. However, you may need to check compatibility and adjust your code accordingly.

How do I manage multiple Python versions on AlmaLinux 8?

To manage multiple Python versions on AlmaLinux 8, you can use the alternatives command to switch between versions. You can also use virtual environments like venv to isolate your projects and ensure they use the correct Python version.


We hope this tutorial helped you understand how to install Python 3.12 on AlmaLinux 8.

If you have any queries, please leave a comment below, and we’ll be happy to respond to them for sure.