Aug 9, 2024 5 min read

How to Install Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 24.04

Install Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 24.04 with our step-by-step tutorial. Python 3.8 introduces enhancements and new features to the Python ecosystem.

Install Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 24.04
Install Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 24.04
Table of Contents

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Before we begin talking about how to install Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 24.04, let's briefly understand – What is Python?

Python 3.8 is a programming language update that brings several enhancements and new features to the Python ecosystem. It introduces improvements like the walrus operator, which enables assignment within an expression, making code more concise.

Python 3.8 also includes a performance boost with optimizations that make code execution faster and more efficient. In addition, this update incorporates new syntax features, improvements in modules, and enhanced security protocols.

In this tutorial, you will install Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 24.04. We will also address a few FAQs on how to install Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 24.04.

Advantages of Python 3.8

  1. Walrus Operator: This new symbol (:=) makes code cleaner and easier to read, especially when you need to assign a value and use it immediately.
  2. Positional-Only Arguments: You can now force function arguments to be passed in a specific order, preventing potential errors.  
  3. Improved F-Strings: Debugging is simpler with more detailed error messages when using f-strings.  
  4. Faster Performance: Python 3.8 is generally faster than previous versions, which means your programs will run quicker.  
  5. New Modules and Functions: Python 3.8 added helpful tools for working with math, statistics, and other tasks.

Prerequisites to Install Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 24.04

  • An operating Ubuntu 24.04 server is required.
  • You must have sudo or root access to run privileged commands.
  • You must have the apt or apt-get utility installed on your server.

How to Install Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 24.04

Step 1 – Update Your Server

Before you consider installing any new packages, it is advisable to run a system-wide update using the apt update or apt-get update command as shown below. All of your packages will be installed in their most recent iterations, lowering the possibility of any broken package errors.

sudo apt update

Step 2 – Install Python 3.8

You can install whatever version of python3 best suits your requirements, by using deadsnakes PPA, we'll install python 3.8, First, add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

Now, you can install the required version of Python:

sudo apt install python3.8 -y

Step 3 – Check Python Version

Using the python3.8 —version command, you may determine the installed version of Python. As you can see, the version is 3.8.19.

python3.8 --version

Python 3.8.19

Step 4 – Write your First Python Program

You must now be wondering how we can verify the use of the Python tool. In order to verify, you can create a simple Python file and run it. Here's an example of a simple Python program that prints the message hello world using our favorite nano editor, we will create a new file called and write a print statement to display hello world, as demonstrated below.


Enter the below program:

print("Hello World !!")

Execute the program file:


Hello World !!

Step 5 – Remove Python 3.8

You might wonder if the python3.8 that we installed before can be removed. Well, I would advise against it because it's likely that some program that depends on this version may be affected. However, if you are certain that you don't need it any longer, you may simply uninstall it by using the following command:

sudo apt remove python3.8 -y
	# OR
sudo apt-get remove python3.8 -y
Note - Please never use the apt remove python3 -y or apt-get remove python3 -y command, even accidentally, as it will remove all the packages related to python3 without your permission. Running this command will have severe consequences for your server. Therefore, practice caution while performing commands, especially if they are on a production server.

FAQs to Install Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 24.04

Can I have multiple versions of Python installed on Ubuntu 24.04?

Yes, you can have multiple Python versions installed simultaneously. Use the update-alternatives command to switch between versions if needed.

Does installing Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 24.04 remove the existing Python version?

No, installing Python 3.8 won't remove the existing Python version. Both can coexist on your system.

Can I still use my existing Python scripts after installing Python 3.8?

Yes, your existing Python scripts should work with Python 3.8. However, it's good practice to test them to ensure compatibility.

How do I update Python 3.8 to the latest version?

To update Python 3.8 to the latest version, you need to remove the existing installation and install the new version using the same method (e.g., PPA, source build, or package manager).

Can I use Python 3.8 with my IDE or code editor?

Yes, you can use Python 3.8 with popular IDEs and code editors like PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, and Sublime Text. Make sure to configure the IDE to use the Python 3.8 interpreter.

Can I install multiple versions of Python 3.8?

No, you can only have one installation of Python 3.8 on your system. However, you can have multiple Python versions (e.g., Python 3.9 and Python 3.10) installed alongside Python 3.8.


We hope this detailed tutorial helped you to install Python 3.8 on Ubuntu 24.04.

If you have any queries, feel free to drop a comment below, and we'll be happy to help.

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