Sep 19, 2024 4 min read

How to Install RPM Packages on Debian 12

Install RPM Packages on Debian 12 with our step-by-step tutorial. RPM Packages are a popular way to distribute software in Linux systems.

Install RPM Packages on Debian 12
Install RPM Packages on Debian 12
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Before we begin talking about how to install RPM Packages on Debian 12, let's briefly understand – What is RPM Packages?

RPM Packages are a popular way to distribute softwaSre in Linux systems. RPM stands for Red Hat Package Manager and it simplifies software deployment and management. An RPM package contains the necessary files and instructions for installing software on a Linux system.

These packages are easy to install, update, and remove, making them essential for system administrators and software developers. With RPM packages, software can be distributed efficiently, ensuring smooth installation and maintenance across Linux distributions.

In this tutorial, you will install RPM Packages on Debian 12. We will also address a few FAQs on how to install RPM Packages on Debian 12.

Advantages of RPM Packages

  1. Easy installation: RPM Packages simplify software installation on Linux systems.
  2. Efficient updates: RPM enables seamless updating of software, ensuring the latest features and security patches.
  3. Dependency management: RPM Packages handle dependencies, resolving and installing required libraries for software to function correctly.
  4. System integration: RPM Packages integrate smoothly with the Linux system, providing a consistent user experience.
  5. Easy removal: RPM Packages can be easily removed, allowing for efficient cleanup or replacement of software components.

Install RPM Support on Debian 12

Step 1: Update Debian Before Proceeding

It's imperative that you update your Debian system before we begin, to make sure all installed packages are current. By doing this, conflicts and other problems brought on by out-of-date software are reduced. You can use the following command to update your system:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

This command updates installed packages to their most recent versions and retrieves the most recent package information from the repositories.

Step 2: Install RPM Support Alien Package on Debian via APT

Debian does not support RPM packages by default. Nonetheless, you can enable RPM support on your Debian system by installing the alien package. The Debian repository contains the Alien package.

Run the command below to install the Alien package:

sudo apt install alien

Step 3: Confirm Alien Installation on Debian

It's crucial to validate the installation of the alien package and make sure you have the latest version installed on your system after installing it. By doing this, you can be sure the alien package is installed properly and prepared for use.

Use the following command to determine the version of alien that is installed:

alien --version

The installed version of alien is output by the command and looks like this:

alien version x.x.x

Now that RPM is supported on your Debian system, you can install and convert RPM packages using the alien package.

Install RPM Packages on Debian 12

This section will walk through using the Alien package to install RPM files on Debian. To help you better understand how to work with RPM packages in various scenarios, we will go over a number of scenarios.

Step 1: Obtain the RPM Package

You must first obtain the RPM file in order to install an RPM package. The necessary RPM file is available for download from a reliable repository or the website of the software vendor. Make sure you download the 32-bit or 64-bit version that corresponds to your system architecture.

Step 2: Convert the RPM Package to DEB Format

Once the RPM package is obtained, it can be converted to a DEB package—the native format for Debian systems—using the Alien package. Here are the steps to take this.

Navigate to the Directory Containing the RPM Package

To access the directory containing the RPM package, open a terminal and navigate there. For instance, you can use the following command to change to the ~/Downloads directory if the RPM package is there:

cd ~/Downloads

Convert the RPM Package to DEB Format

To convert the RPM package to DEB format, use the Alien package. Put the real name of the RPM file in place of your-package.rpm:

sudo alien -d your-package.rpm

This command saves the RPM package in the current directory and converts it to a DEB package. The RPM package's name will be the same as the generated DEB package, but it will have a.deb extension.

Step 3: Install the Converted DEB Package

You can now install the RPM package on your Debian system after converting it to DEB format.

Install the DEB Package

Use this command to install the converted DEB package. Put the true name of the DEB file in place of your-package.deb:

sudo dpkg -i your-package.deb

Resolve Dependencies  

You can fix any dependency problems that arise during package installation by performing the following actions:

sudo apt --fix-broken install

Installing any missing dependencies that the DEB package requires is done with this command.

Step 4: Verify the Installation

You should confirm the software was successfully installed on your Debian system after installing the converted DEB package.

Check the Installed Package

Use the following command to view the installed package:

dpkg -l | grep package-name

Replace package-name with the software package's real name. The package installed, and its version, are listed by this command.

Run the Installed Software

Run the installed software by executing its binary file or by using the relevant command to make sure it functions as intended.

FAQs to Install RPM Packages on Debian 12

How can I install the 'alien' package conversion tool? 

There is a package called 'alien' that can be installed using the package manager in Debian 12.

How do I convert an RPM package to a Debian package? 

The 'alien' tool can convert an RPM package to a Debian package for installation on Debian 12.

How can I install the converted Debian package?

Once the RPM package is converted to a Debian package, it can be installed using the package manager in Debian 12.

Are there any risks in using 'alien' to convert and install RPM packages on Debian 12? 

There may be risks involved in using 'alien' to convert and install RPM packages, as they are not designed specifically for Debian systems.

Is there an alternative method to install RPM packages on Debian 12?

Besides 'alien', there are other tools available, such as 'rpm2deb', that can directly convert RPM packages to Debian packages.


We hope this tutorial helped you understand how to install RPM Packages on Debian 12.

If you have any queries, please leave a comment below, and we’ll be happy to respond to them for sure.

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