Jan 17, 2024 4 min read

How to Install WHOIS on Ubuntu 22.04

Install whois on ubuntu 22.04 with our step-by-step tutorial. It is a utility that enables users to retrieve domain information for domain name.

Install WHOIS on Ubuntu 22.04
Install WHOIS on Ubuntu 22.04
Table of Contents


Before we discuss how to install whois on ubuntu 22.04, let's first understand-What is WHOIS?

WHOIS is a command-line utility that enables users to retrieve domain registration information for a specific domain name. It is a valuable tool for querying domain details, such as the registrar, registration date, expiration date, and more.

The installation of WHOIS on Ubuntu 22.04 will be covered in this tutorial.


  1. Domain Information: WHOIS provides detailed registration information about a domain, including the registrant's contact details, registration dates, name servers, and more.
  2. Investigation and Research: WHOIS allows users to investigate the ownership and history of a domain, which can be helpful in identifying potential issues, verifying legitimacy, or resolving disputes.
  3. Monitoring Expiry Dates: WHOIS helps track domain expiry dates, ensuring that domain owners can renew their domains in a timely manner and avoid accidental loss of ownership.
  4. Security and Privacy: WHOIS assists in identifying potential domain-related security threats, such as malicious websites or spam domains, enabling users to take appropriate actions.
  5. Domain Transfer and Acquisition: WHOIS information can aid in the process of transferring or acquiring a domain by providing ownership and contact details necessary for negotiation or communication.

Steps to Install Whois on Ubuntu 22.04

Step 1. Start with the Ubuntu APT update

To install the available security updates, start by running the system update command. Rebuilding the APT package cache is also necessary.

sudo apt update
apt update

Step 2. Install WHOIS on Ubuntu 22.04

Now, install the WHOIS lookup tool on your chosen Ubuntu Linux distribution using APT.

Run the following command:

sudo apt install whois
Install whois

Step 3. WHOIS commands on Ubuntu Linux

Here are a few fundamental WHOIS commands you can type on the terminal:

To get the information related to a domain name, we can use the following WHOIS syntax:

whois domain-name

For example:

whois google.com

Use the following syntax to access IP address information using WHOIS:

whois ip-address

For example:

whois ip address

It's not simply restricted to common domains or IP addresses; we can also retrieve data from a particular WHOIS server that an ICANN has set up by using the syntax below:

whois -h whois.server.com domainname

For example:

whois -h whois.verisign-grs.com google.com
Output of example

Use the following syntax to obtain domain name information from a certain registrar:

whois -h whois.registrar.com domainname

For example:

whois -h whois.markmonitor.com google.com
Domain name with specific registrar

Use the following syntax to obtain the top-level domain (TLD) data:

whois -h whois.iana.org tldname

For example:

whois -h whois.iana.org com
Top-level Domain

Command to Uninstall WHOIS from Ubuntu

This command will delete WHOIS from Ubuntu if you no longer want this program.

sudo apt remove whois 
Remove whois

To install and utilize this protocol through a Linux terminal, use these fundamental WHOIS commands. It should be noted, but that particular WHOIS servers might have unique syntax or demand login in order to access specific data.

FAQs to Install Whois on Ubuntu 22.04

How do I use WHOIS to retrieve domain information? 

Use the following command in the terminal: whois <domain>. Replace <domain> with the domain name you want to query.

Can I retrieve WHOIS information for any domain extension?

Yes, WHOIS can be used to retrieve information for most domain extensions, including generic top-level domains (gTLDs) like .com, .org, .net, country code top-level domains (ccTLDs), and others.

Can I obtain the contact details of a domain owner using WHOIS? 

Yes, WHOIS provides contact details of the domain owner, including their name, organization, email address, phone number, and address, if available.

Is there a limit on the number of WHOIS queries I can perform? 

There are no specific limitations on the number of WHOIS queries you can perform, but some registries may have their own restrictions or rate limits.

Can WHOIS provide historical domain registration information? 

WHOIS offers information about the initial registration date, but it may not provide a comprehensive history of changes, transfers, or ownership details.

Can WHOIS help identify the name servers associated with a domain? 

Yes, WHOIS provides information about the name servers associated with a domain and their IP addresses.

Is WHOIS information always accurate and up to date? 

WHOIS information is provided by domain registrars and may not always be completely accurate or up to date. Some registrants may choose to keep their contact details private.


We have covered various steps on how to install whois on ubuntu 22.04 in this tutorial.

If you have any queries, feel free to ask them in the comments section, and we would be happy to respond to them....

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