Oct 14, 2023 5 min read

How to Install Yarn on Debian 11

Install yarn on Debian 11 with our step-by-step tutorial. A package manager for JavaScript that provides dependency management for projects.

Install Yarn on Debian 11
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Before we start talking about how to install Yarn on Debian 11,let's briefly understand-What is YARN ?

Yarn stands for Yet Another Resource Negotiator and is a package manager for JavaScript that provides fast, reliable, and secure dependency management for your projects.

Any package manager's main function is to install packages or to fetch code from the global registry and add it to local repositories. The installed packages do have some dependencies, and the semantic versioning schema is used to manage these dependencies. This schema takes into account the effects of any changes made to a version, such as whether the modification introduces a new feature or corrects a bug.

This tutorial will walk you through the process of installing Yarn on Debian 11. We will also address a few FAQs on how to install Yarn on Debian 11.

Advantages of Yarn

  • Speed: Yarn uses a parallel installation strategy, which speeds up and improves the performance of the package by installing packages parallelly. While npm will finish installing one package before going on to the next, performance latency is experienced in this circumstance.
  • Security: Yarn uses a cryptographic hashing mechanism to make sure that packages are installed securely.
  • Log: The majority of package managers strive to deliver a readable output, however their output interfaces vary. Yarn does support producing output that is clear and readable.
  • Information about dependencies: Yarn, which was created to address npm's deficiencies, supports the "why" command, which explains the rationale for any dependency's existence.
  • Lock file: To assist in maintaining the project dependencies, yarn creates "yarn.lock" files each time a module is introduced.

How to Install Yarn on Debian 11

There are three popular ways to install yarn on Debian 11:

  • Using npm
  • Using PPA command
  • Using script


Several pre-installed packages are necessary for every installation; For instance, in order to obtain yarn, your system needs the following packages:

  • Curl: In Method 2, this command-line tool will be used to import the GPG key, and in Method 3, it will be used to download yarn script.
  • Node Package Manager(npm): Before installing yarn, npm must be installed on your Debian 11.
  • Node.js: As previously stated, Node.js is a prerequisite for installing npm, which is necessary for installing yarn.

Installing yarn using npm on Debian 11

To make this installation tutorial easier to grasp, let's break it down into a number of steps:

Step 1: Update and Upgrade

By using the command listed below, you can update the Debian 11 system repository:

sudo apt update 

Step 2: Install Node.js

Node.js is pre-installed on the Debian 11 repository, thus running the command listed below will allow you to install it:

sudo apt install nodejs npm 

It is noted that npm is also installed.

To check the Node.js version:

node -v

And for npm:

npm -v

Step 3: Install yarn using npm

Once all necessary prerequisites have been met, run the following command to install yarn using npm:

sudo npm install --global yarn 

Installing yarn using PPA on Debian 11

The steps in this process are as follows:

Step 1: Import the GPG key and enable yarn repository

Use the following command to import the GPG key from the yarn official website:

curl -sL https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/yarnkey.gpg >/dev/null

Use the following command to add a GPG key after authentication has been completed:

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/yarnkey.gpg] https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

Step 2: Install yarn

Once you've completed the previous two steps, you're ready to install yarn. However, before you do, use the following command to update the system's repository:

sudo apt update

You may now install the yarn after updating the repository by using the command:

sudo apt install yarn 

Installing yarn using yarn script on Debian 11

Using yarn script, you may use yarn to install yarn on Debian 11:

Step 1: Download the script and install yarn

To download the script, run the command shown below. It will install a version specific to your profile and cannot be used outside your profile.

curl -o- -L https://yarnpkg.com/install.sh | bash

How to Use yarn on Debian 11

Create a yarn initialization directory:

mkdir yarnproject
cd yarnproject

Set up the yarn package therein:

yarn init

You can add dependencies to your project using the command listed below.

yarn add [package]

Additionally, you can specify a specific package version as a dependency:

yarn add [package]@[version]

The command listed below can be used to install all requirements.

yarn install 

How to Uninstall yarn from Debian 11

If yarn is no longer needed on your Debian 11 system, you can remove it from your computer. Use the following command to remove yarn from your Debian 11 installation:

sudo npm uninstall -g yarn

FAQs: Installing Yarn on Debian 11

Why should I use Yarn instead of other package managers like npm? 

Yarn offers several advantages over npm, including faster package installation, improved reliability through a lockfile, and deterministic dependency resolution.

How can I install Yarn on Debian 11? 

To install Yarn on Debian 11, you can use the APT package manager or install it using the Node.js package manager npm. The official Yarn website provides instructions for both methods.

What are the system requirements for installing Yarn on Debian 11? 

To install Yarn on Debian 11, you need Node.js and npm installed on your system. Ensure that you have a compatible version of Node.js, preferably the LTS (Long Term Support) version, installed.

Can I install Yarn globally or only for specific projects? 

Yarn can be installed globally on your system, making it accessible from any project directory. However, it is also common to install Yarn on a per-project basis by running yarn init inside a project directory.

How can I verify the installation of Yarn? 

After installing Yarn, you can verify its installation by running the yarn --version command in your terminal. If Yarn is correctly installed, it will display the version number.

How do I upgrade Yarn to the latest version on Debian 11? 

To upgrade Yarn to the latest version on Debian 11, you can use either apt-get or the global Yarn self-update command: yarn global upgrade.

Can Yarn be used in continuous integration (CI) and automated deployment workflows? 

Yes, Yarn is commonly used in CI and automated deployment workflows. It provides command-line tools and supports various integration plugins, making it suitable for automating package installations and deployments.


Projects have dependencies, and in order for them to function effectively, they require a piece of code. Package managers help manage these dependencies. Many package managers, including npm and yarn, can be used for your particular needs; the latter was developed to address npm's performance and security shortcomings.

This comprehensive tutorial explains how to install yarn on a Debian 11 system. While the second way allows you to obtain yarn using the APT repository, the first technique installs yarn using npm. The last one, in contrast to the others, installs yarn via downloading yarn script.

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