How to Rename a Local and Remote Git Branch


Before we go into how to rename a local and remote Git branch, first let's understand - What is Git?

Git is a popular open-source distributed version control system that can handle a wide range of projects, from small to large, quickly and efficiently. It stands out since it is user-friendly and simple to understand.

In this tutorial, you will rename a local and remote Git branch.

Rename Git Branch

To rename a Local and Remote Git Branch, follow the procedures below:

1) To begin, navigate to the local branch you want to rename:

git checkout <old_name>

2) Type the following to rename the local branch:

git branch -m <new_name>

You've renamed the local branch at this point.

If you have already pushed the old name> branch to the remote repository, then follow these steps to rename the remote branch.

3) Push the <new_name> local branch and reset the upstream branch:

git push origin -u <new_name>

4) Delete the remote branch with the old name:

git branch -d <old_name>

That is all there is to it. The local and remote Git branches have been successfully renamed.

FAQs to Rename a Local and Remote Git Branch

What happens to the history and commits when I rename a Git branch? 

Renaming a Git branch does not affect the commit history. It simply changes the branch name while preserving the commit timeline.

Are there any precautions I should take before renaming a Git branch? 

It's always a good practice to ensure that you have committed or stashed any changes before renaming a Git branch to avoid any data loss.

Can I rename a branch other than the currently checked out branch? 

Yes, you can rename any local or remote branch using the appropriate Git commands, even if you are currently checked out on a different branch.

Will other collaborators be affected when I rename a remote Git branch? 

Yes, renaming a remote Git branch will affect other collaborators. They will need to update their local repositories to reflect the new branch name.

Can I undo a branch rename if I made a mistake? 

Yes, you can undo a branch rename by following the same steps as renaming a branch, but using the original branch name instead.

What happens if there are unmerged changes on a branch that I want to rename? 

Git will prevent you from renaming a branch with unmerged changes. You'll need to either merge or discard the changes before renaming the branch.

Are there any best practices for renaming Git branches?

It's recommended to communicate the branch renaming to collaborators, update relevant documentation, and ensure everyone pulls the latest changes after the rename to avoid confusion.


Branches are an important element of the software development process and one of Git's most useful features. Branches are simply references to a specific commit.

A single command is all it takes to rename a local Git Branch. You can't rename a remote branch directly, instead, you must push the changed local branch and remove the old branch.

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