ssl-certificate • 7 min read • What is an SSL certificate? In this tutorial, we will explain about the SSL certificates. SSL certificate secures data encryption between websites and visitors.…
linux • 4 min read • How to Create a Linux Swap File Create a Linux Swap File with our step-by-step tutorial. Swap is a crucial component that enhances system performance and efficiency.…
dig-command • 9 min read • Dig Command in Linux (DNS Lookup) Explore dig command in linux with our step-by-step tutorial. It is a command-line tool that may be used to query DNS name servers.…
ip-command • 7 min read • Linux ip Command with Examples Discuss ip command with examples with our step-by-step tutorial. It is networking utility used to manage network interfaces, IP addresses etc.…
time-command • 3 min read • Linux Time Command Execute time command in linux with our step-by-step tutorial. It is used to find out how long a command will take to execute.…
w-command • 4 min read • w command in Linux Discuss w command in linux with our step-by-step tutorial. It is an application that provides information about presently logged-in users.…
file-command • 3 min read • Linux File Command Learn about linux file command with our step-by-step tutorial. It is used to display the type of file.…
nginx • 5 min read • Install Nginx on CentOS 7 Install Nginx on CentOS 7 with our step-by-step tutorial. It is a powerful web server and reverse proxy that efficiently handles online traffic.…
cassandra • 4 min read • How to Install Apache Cassandra on CentOS 7 Install Apache Cassandra on CentOS 7 with our step-by-step tutorial. Apache Cassandra is a powerful and scalable NoSQL database.…
wc-command • 4 min read • Wc Command in Linux (Count Number of Lines, Words, Characters) Learn wc command in linux with our step-by-step tutorial. It is used to count the number of lines, words, characters, and bytes in a file.…
nextcloud • 10 min read • How to Install and Configure Nextcloud with Apache on CentOS 9 Install and configure nextcloud with apache using centos 9 with our step-by-step tutorial.It is a powerful platform that has secure file sharing…
fix • 3 min read • How to Fix Bash: Bad Substitution on Linux Fix Bash: Bad Substitution on Linux with our step-by-step tutorial. Bash is a scripting language used on Linux to automate monotonous operations.…